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About the EMF

The Foundation’s main objectives are:

  • to help needy people undergo treatment which they would otherwise be unable to afford as such treatments are available only within private medicine
  • to spread awareness and provide information and education regarding allergy, its causes and treatment
  • to carry out relevant research into the subject of environmental illness


The Environmental Medicine Foundation (formerly Breakspear Hospital Trust) was set up by caring supporters of Breakspear Medical who all have some connection to the clinic as either patients or relatives of patients. Breakspear Medical is a private clinic that opened in 1982 and has treated over 30,000 patients suffering from food, chemical and other environmental allergies and sensitivities. For more information, visit the Breakspear Medical website.

To raise awareness, the EMF has been co-sponsoring various series of open lectures for patients, doctors and other medical professionals. Videos of these lectures are available free on Breakspear Medical’s youtube channel.

Over the years there have been a variety of other functions to raise awareness of the EMF, including a Reception and Media Briefing on the subject of “Allergy – what is being done and what needs to be done” held at the House of Commons.

The EMF had a very significant previous engagement at the House of Commons in 2004, which was the official launch of the charity hosted by sponsoring MP, the Rt Hon Michael Ancram QC MP.. Michael Ancram’s daughter, Lady Clare Kerr, was treated successfully for ME/CFS at Breakspear Medical’s clinic in 2001.

The EMF’s first ever fundraising event was hosting the UK premiere of Jack Nicholson’s award-winning movie, About Schmidt, at Warner’s theatre in Leicester Square, London.  Over 400 guests attended, with the guest list including Peter O’Toole, Jeremy Irons, Claire Goose, and Camilla Rutherford. Shortly before the movie viewing, Sir Richard Branson introduced EMF Medical Advisor and Breakspear Medical’s Medical Director, Dr Jean Monro and she presented a short talk on the specialist work at Breakspear Medical.

The EMF continues to raise money for further research and will also help fund visits of patients who would not normally be able to afford it.


“”I support and work with the EMF because I know from personal experience that there are illnesses and other problems with environmental causes which are not all recognised by the wider medical world, but which can be dealt with to help those suffering. Allergy, intolerance and sensitivity to foods, mould and pollutants like petrol fumes and electricity/phone signals, as well as some infectious diseases such as Lyme, can be effectively treated and such treatment should be available to all in need, including those unable to afford all the private sector costs involved. The spreading of knowledge about causes, and identifying them, can lead to relief simply by encouraging avoidance where possible. We work to help achieve these objectives.” – Ron White, Chairman

The trustees who voluntarily run the EMF are as follows:

Ron White, Chairman
Neil Monro, Secretary
Paul West, Treasurer
James Elphinstone
Alister Monro

Jean Monro, Clinical Advisor & Patron

If you are interested in volunteering at future fundraising events or have any suggestions for future fundraisers, please

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