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Thank you for your interest in the Environmental Medicine Foundation (formerly Breakspear Hospital Trust) Registered Charity No. 1100205.

In the knowledge that intensive allergy testing and treatment is not generally available to everyone, due partly to the associated costs, patrons and supporters of Breakspear Medical formed the Environmental Medicine Foundation in 2003.

We invite you to explore our website and learn about environmental medicine.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.

We are very privileged to be able to contribute to environmental medicine, particularly raising awareness and helping individual sufferers obtain treatment they could not otherwise afford. We are of course extremely grateful to all those whose financial support of our charity enables us to carry out that work.

Ron White, Chairman

I am pleased to say that through the EMF giving me the opportunity to start treatment [at Breakspear Medical], and my improvement over the first year, I was awarded NHS funding from the PCT. I am pleased to say that at the time of writing this letter I still have NHS funding for treatment.

Sarah Mills

The reason I support the Environmental Medicine Foundation is because they help people with chronic environmental health issues recover and start to led a normal life again.

Paul West, Treasurer

Until I was 3 years old I was always sick. It’s not a good feeling being sick. One Christmas I could not laugh or play or even open my presents! I just sat there ill. After that Mum took me to hospital to get some help [and] now that I don’t have allergic reactions, I can eat all kinds of foods… Now I can learn karate, go swimming, go to Beavers and even have fun!

Matt (age 7)

“Deciding to do the 10K [to raise money for the EMF] was easy; it was the taking part that was difficult. We had a great day, it was very emotional crossing the finish line for all those who had taken part but we knew Kevin would have been proud of us.”

Julie Stewart
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